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Backyard Babies



Music video for the Swedish rock group Backyard Babies. The song features in the console game Guitar Hero World tour and the video flirts heavily with the look and feel of the game. The group was motion captured to get the right feel of the performance part and the animation style and the colours refer back to the game. The 3D-graphics was highly appreciated by the band and will be on both band merchandise and record sleeves.


The video release is timed with the bands ongoing tour and is backed by a “Making of the video” feature on MTV. Swedish SVT children TV-show “Hjärnkontoret” also made a piece about the production that will air in March 2009.




Director: Andreas Wicklund

Idea & Concept: Sigfrid Söderberg, Andreas Wicklund

Producer: Sigfrid Söderberg

Editing: Andreas Wicklund

Production Company: Kaktus Film

Artist: Backyard Babies

Record Label: Versity Music

© 2023 Kaktus Film - Stockholm

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