Stage backdrop
Grotesco global media group
First of all we want to congratulate the amazing humour collective Grotesco on their spectacular and critically acclaimed stage show "Grotesco - en nära döden revy" on the Scala theater (Scalateatern) in Stockholm. This show has been sold out for a year straight and one could easily say that it's the funniest and most thought provocative show you can see in Sweden at the moment.
The show was awarded the prestigeous "Best stage show of the year" at the Swedish Humorgalan i Stockholm in September 2015.
Kaktus Film was hired to make a silly backdrop video that is projected at a 10 meter wide screen behind the dancerns on stage for the "Tingaliin" performance poking fun at the russian, and especially president Putins, quest to be a world renowned power force. At the risk of official complaints from the russian embassy, this is what we did.
Art direction and design: Andreas Wicklund
Idea & Concept: Andreas Wicklund / Erik Wernquist
Producer: Sigfrid Söderberg
Client: Grotesco global media group